Attention:  Aspiring Coaches, Healers, Transformational Experts, and Change Makers…

"Discover My Secrets for Growing a $10 Million Coaching Business ... and How YOU Can Confidently Get Your Own Clients, Transform Lives, and Make Great Money…"

All Using a Proven Step-by-Step Coaching Method...

If you’re here, you know there is a HUGE opportunity right now in the world to make a BIG difference in people’s lives through being a coach.

And you also know in your heart that YOU want to help make that difference.

Over the past decade, the coaching industry has exploded with incredible growth. Estimates put it over $2 billion dollars as one of the fastest growing industries globally—especially for heart-centered entrepreneurs whose businesses help other people.

There's an unprecedented demand for coaches who are smart, educated, and have real-world experience to bring to the table, and this trend is here to stay.

But here's the thing…

Becoming a truly great coach—the kind who TRULY supports their clients in achieving life-changing results and who people TRULY want to work with—doesn't just happen by chance.

Learning how to become a master coach requires dedication… strategy… lots of action… and most importantly, a METHOD.

A method which allows you to not only help your clients step into their greatness, but to first and foremost allow you to become the person you need to be in order to really be able to transform your clients’ lives.

No longer does throwing up a social media post, offering a free workshop, or ‘winging it’ in sessions work at all—nor does it mean good business for you as a coach looking to make a living doing what you love.

People are more selective than ever about choosing coaches that can genuinely assist them in overcoming the challenges they face. And it is more crucial than ever that your marketing strategy reflects this too.

What is Really Possible?

Video: What Marisa achieved and how Marisa can help them. Why coaching as opposed to RTT? How we teach more than just coaching and why that's beneficial—therapy is more looking at the past, coaching is looking forward.

What this means for you? Even if you are TOTALLY new to coaching, you can follow a step-by-step formula to ensure both you and your clients will reach your goals. We know it’s possible—are you ready to make it happen?

Does This Sound Like You…?

✨ You’re passionate about personal development... maybe you’ve even been working on your personal growth for years.

✨ You are inspired by leaders like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Jack Canfield, Mindvalley, and more.

✨ You’ve always known you want to help people. You are ready to step up and make a difference for people.

✨ You’ve been thinking of becoming a coach for a while or have looked into programs, and haven’t taken the jump yet.

✨ You want more flexibility and fulfillment—more work-life balance, and an escape from the corporate rat-race.

✨ You have reliable internet and are comfortable using English to learn—and any language to serve!

Discover the
Rapid Transformational Coaching™ Certification

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Over the Next 3 Months, You Will Walk Away With…

✅ A tailored coaching program you can take clients through and charge a premium price for…

✅ Overcoming any self-doubt and inner blocks to become a confident and successful coach…

✅ Specific exercises developed through Marisa’s 30 years of experience which you can use with your clients…

✅ The essentials of a business which is location independent and gives you the lifestyle you dream of…

✅ A headstart on working with clients and feeling truly empowered about your new career direction…

✅ A genuine, unshakeable faith in your abilities as a coach through practice and feedback in the program…

✅ Polished people skills so you can expertly deal with all kinds of clients and their situations (even challenging ones who push your boundaries!)

In essence, we are here to help you create TRUST and ACCOUNTABILITY in yourself and with all your clients so they will follow through on your advice, insights, guidelines, and ideas after each session (and long after your time together is over)... which means more lives can be changed for the better.

Why Our Approach is
Radically Different...

Traditional coaching doesn't always work. Without the right combination of actual coaching fundamentals, client communication, and overall practical strategy for how to grow your business day to day—you won’t be able to give clients lasting transformation nor be a successful entrepreneur.

We take teaching coaching one step further beyond the fundamentals. We actually give you a real coaching program that you can work with your clients on and customize to fit the needs of the specific type of work you want to deep-dive on with them.

This means you no longer have to guess or test what will truly deliver results. You can learn from our mistakes and our successes and leverage your time becoming a coach faster and more powerfully than ever.

Our method uniquely combines:

✅ Cutting-edge coaching tools and techniques to transform your clients lives for the better and have them coming back for more.

✅ A teaching curriculum to ensure your clients get results and don't get distracted. We use a methodology for each and every client session so you are never stuck not knowing where to take your clients next.

✅ Marisa's 30-year coaching experience—which you simply can't get anywhere else—to learn from with yourself and your clients.

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Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn in Each Module...

Module #1 - Coaching Fundamentals

You will learn the importance of taking radical personal responsibility for your success and exactly why this is so crucial for your clients as well (and how you can instill it in your clients from the beginning). You will learn the keys that make a powerful coach, and what coaching really is all about. These beliefs will be essential for you to establish success from the outset.


Module #2 - How to Ask Powerful Questions

You will learn the art of asking powerful questions to elicit insights from your clients—so you can dive right into the heart of coaching. We will show you how and when to ask a question and give examples that apply to many of the coaching situations you will encounter. We will also show you the difference between powerful questions that get the client talking and those which will stop you from being able to connect with your client.

Video: Marisa will give examples of questions to use in coaching and use stories of when she asked those questions and what she uncovered.

Module #3 - Active Listening

You will learn how to listen actively—and do so in ways you have never done before, even if you have been exposed to listening training. This is a critical skill for any successful coach! We will discuss how to listen for what the client isn’t saying and how this ties into better coaching skills.

Video: Marisa will give examples of listening to what the client is and isn't saying: paying attention to body language, pauses, and tone of voice.

Module #4 - Developing Empathy, Rapport and Non-Judgment

You will learn exactly why non-judgment and empathy are important skills for a coach to have, and how to use them—and how to have empathy for someone who is triggering you or has a different worldview than you. You will learn how to practice your compassion and detach from situations when needed to preserve the client relationship. We will also cover how to build rapport and trust so the client feels like they can open up to you.

Video: Story of Marisa finding compassion for a client that she found really annoying or frustrating. What tools did she use to overcome this?

Module #5 - Challenging Your Clients

You will learn how to help clients do what they need to do to get life-changing results. How exactly do you inspire a client to do what they say they want to do, and thus achieve their goals? What do you do when a client is procrastinating or making excuses? This module will empower you with the right tools to handle challenging situations when they do come up.

Video: Example of Marisa challenging her clients and making sure they follow through on their commitments. What are you getting out of not doing which you know you need to be doing—what is the payoff of being overweight, not finding love, etc.

Module #6 - Training on Marisa’s Magic Exercises

You will learn some of Marisa’s specific and unique approaches to coaching that you can apply in your own coaching relationships from the start. From the ‘family roles’ exercise to the ‘I am enough’ reframe, you will leave this module with several practical tools to use so that no coaching session is left without insight and opportunity for growth.

Video: Marisa talks through the exercise and why it will be beneficial to their clients. This is a more ‘practical action step’ module rather than fundamental.

Module #7: ? 

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Module #8 - Practicum: Coaching Curriculum Outline

You will learn and start applying the coaching outline we teach and discover a way to engage with a practice client so you can start coaching while in this program and not worry about waiting until it’s over to apply what you’ve learned. This is an action-focused module!

Video: Introduction from Marisa and then real life coaching session for client to review.

Module #9 - Practicum: Starting & Ending Programs/Sessions

This module will go through the structure and format to onboard a new client and how to off-board a client when complete. We will also discuss best practices for starting and ending individual sessions. You are encouraged again to find a practice client and follow the coaching outline.

Video: Introduction from Marisa and then real life coaching session for client to review.

Module #10 - Business Basics

You will learn the business basics of becoming a successful coach and what you will need to have in place to sign their first paying clients. This is an extremely important module for getting this dream off the ground and really seeing what is possible to create a great lifestyle while also helping people overcome their challenges through your coaching work.

Module #11 - Practicum: Coaching on Sensitive Topics

In this module we will cover how to handle situations where someone is displaying strong emotion—for example, a grieving client, a client is blaming the coach for not getting results and a whole list of scenarios which can come up while coaching. The idea with this module is to equip you with the tools to handle these situations when they do occur with grace.

Video: Marisa will introduce her library of mediations which can be used for over 50 situations. The coaches will have the opportunity to use these resources when coaching their clients to help them move through challenging situations.

Module #12 - Review: Exam & Coaching Hours

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Here’s Exactly What You Get…

⭐ 12-Week Training Program Online Portal — Access from anywhere with your members-only login so you can study at your own pace.

⭐ Private Facebook Community Group — Get questions, inspiration, and connection with other members on the same journey as you.

⭐ Monthly Q&A Call via Zoom — Get direct insight and laser-training through our monthly calls, where we leave no question unanswered.

⭐ Access to Marisa’s Special Teachings — You will walk away with real, practical tools, prompts, and exercises you can use in your coaching.

⭐ Personal Development for Both You/Your Clients — This program will empower you to convey your own self-work with clients.

⭐ Coaching Program Curriculum — You will get full curriculum guidelines you can customize to apply to your own coaching practice.

Your Investment: $X,XXX USD

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Still Wondering if This is For You?...

This IS for you if:

✅ You know you’re meant to be a coach and LOVE helping people.

✅ You want a step-by-step formula you can follow in coaching sessions to ensure your clients get results.

✅ You're ready to be more than just another coach who is restricted to asking clients about how they are feeling, but not really helping them get results or change their lives. You truly want to elevate your clients, and you want to build a thriving coaching business doing that!

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This is NOT for you if:

🚫 You want to be a coach simply because you think it's a way to get fast money. (Yes, you can make a great income as a coach but if you have no passion for it and you just want to “get rich quick”, then this program isn't for you!)

🚫 You have no life experiences and skill-sets to tap into to coach your clients with. You are expected to bring your talents to the table!

🚫 You are not ready to help others because your own life is getting in the way. You have no clue what you're doing and you can hardly get through your day without some kind of drama or major problem interrupting your peace of mind. If this is you, make it your goal to work on yourself first and then help others!

These Next 3 Months Could Change Your Life Forever… Are You Ready to Dive In?

The Rapid Transformation Coaching Certification™ program is designed for smart, ambitious people like you…

…people who want to create positive transformations that will change lives (including your own). You'll learn to become a world class, outcome-driven coach and consistently help clients create real results.

Even if you are…

• completely new to coaching, or
• not sure what you will coach on (we’ll help you with that!), or
• fearful or doubtful about entering the industry…

…we can help you get where you want to go.

]Register Now[

Your Choice Lies Ahead...

Would you rather struggle to work with clients or coach effectively (which negatively impacts your income and client satisfaction) … OR get the support you need so you feel confident working with clients and as a result, charge more for your coaching and programs?

(It’s your call! But we know that if you have these 3 keys right now, you are someone we can help…)

✅ I’m ready to trust in a process that WORKS with Marisa as my guide.

✅ I’m ready to trust in the power of coaching for me as a REAL career.

✅ I’m ready to set aside fear of being too young / old - and serve!

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We believe that…

1. Coaching is not only a legitimate career, but one that can massively help others AND help you live the lifestyle you want.

2. The coaching industry is alive and well, and anyone who is willing to learn and step up can become a part of it.

3. If you follow a proven process and take lots of action, you can make great money and be successful — and REALLY do this.

4. Our roadmap really works, and the success that Marisa gained can apply to your journey too—to make it easier to grow fast.

5. The best time to become a coach was yesterday and the second best time is now—and we are here to help you gain success. you too? Is it finally your time to realize your dream of coaching?

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A Personal Note from Marisa...

Insert inspirational quote or information here to conclude the sales page. Insert inspirational quote or information here to conclude the sales page. Insert inspirational quote or information here to conclude the sales page. Insert inspirational quote or information here to conclude the sales page. Insert inspirational quote or information here to conclude the sales page. 

P.S. Message #1

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P.S. Message #2

Your message goes here. Email us here with any questions.
